The Power of Non-Commercial Radio and Community: From The Inside Out
fairplay logo with mic and mixer

This panel will provide an introduction to the inner workings and the importance of non-commercial radio with a focus on what NYC’s independent music community, and specifically non-commercial radio stations are doing to fight for racial and social justice on air and beyond.  The conversation is inspired by a newly formed nonprofit group called FairPlay made up of radio stations, DJs, record labels, music industry professionals and activists all over the US that have been meeting weekly to discuss strategies for combating racism and amplifying BIPOC voices and stories. We’ll be joined by local flagship non-commercial radio stations to talk about the ways they’ve evolved to serve their communities, as well as by key organizations working to encourage diversity through structural change. We’ll discuss everyone’s current initiatives and share ideas on how to encourage diversity from within in order to truly serve your audience.

Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 PM