Culture is the Compass: Putting Yourself on the Global Music Map (Panel Discussion)
culture is the compass

Hosted by Amazon Music and led by multi Grammy award-winning producer/engineer, Mr Sonic, the conversation will feature a notable music executive specializing in working with multicultural talent. You’ll leave with backstage industry insights on how to use your cultural background as an advantage and set yourself apart on the global music stage. Don’t miss this opportunity to map out your path to success in the music industry.

Following the discussion, a select few will have the opportunity to participate in a 3-hour writing session under the guidance and mentorship of Amazon Music’s Producer in Residence at Amazon’s Studio126, Brooklyn, Mr. Sonic and the guest music executive. During the session, other attendees are encouraged to rotate between multiple writing sessions, observe, and ask questions about the creative process.

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Date: June 7
Time: 01:00 – 02:00 pm
Location: 25 Kent Ave, Brooklyn