Cindy Liu is general manager at Park Avenue Artists, and is passionate about cultural impact and social advocacy in the music business. She believes in music as an expressive medium creating inclusive communities, and she strives to cultivate this experience across a diversity of artists and projects at PAA. Cindy received departmental honors for her undergraduate thesis in Sociology at Columbia University, entitled, “The Quadruple Bind: Occupational Barriers to Women in the Classical Music Industry.” She recently discussed her continuing research at the New England Conservatory. Cindy co-leads the Performing Arts Managers and Agents Coalition (PAMAC), on behalf of 250+ performing arts agencies, and PAMAC’s work culminated in Congress designating $15B in aid to arts organizations as part of the Shuttered Venues Operator Grants (SVOG). Cindy received B.A. degrees in English and Sociology at Columbia, and is currently pursuing her part-time MBA at NYU Stern.